
Peter B. Armentrout
Senior Investigator

Distinguished Professor and Cannon Fellow
Department of Chemistry
University of Utah
MSPIRE Research Interests

IRMPD action spectroscopy of metallated amino acids and hydrated metal cations have been examined. Completed projects include a collaborative project with Prof. M. T. Rodgers to study M+(Ser) [1] and M+(Thr) [2] where M+ = Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+. Extensions of these studies have now been made to M+(Asn) [3], M+(Met) [4], M+(Cys) [5], and M+(His) [9,10] where M+ = Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+ and, in some cases, H+ and Ba2+ as well. For these amino acids, comparison with theoretical predictions indicate that the only conformations accessed for the complexes to the smaller alkali metal cations, Li+ and Na+, are charge solvated structures involving tridentate coordination to the amine and carbonyl groups of the amino acid backbone and to the functionalized side chain, [CO, N, X]. For the cesiated complexes, bands corresponding to a zwitterionic structure [CO2?] are clearly visible. The potassium and rubidium complexes exhibit evidence of the charge solvated analogue of the zwitterions, in which the metal cation binds to the carboxylic acid group, [COOH]. Calculations indicate that the relative stability of the [COOH] and zwitterionic structures are very strongly dependent on the size of the metal cation, consistent with the range of conformations observed experimentally. Interestingly, no obvious evidence of zwitterionic structures are evident for the Ba2+(Asn) complex, making it the first barium-amino acid complex examined that is not primarily zwitterionic.

These studies have recently been extended to include complexes of the dications of M = Zn and Cd with histidine, His [8]. In these systems, halogenated complexes, CdCl+(His), deprotonated complexes, M+(His-H), and dimers, M2+(His)2, were investigated and definitively show the presence of the same tridentate conformers favored for the smaller alkali cations. For the dimeric complexes, the binding motif adopted by the second ligand is less clear, with evidence for both ligands having tridentate conformations and for one ligand having a zwitterionic binding motif. These experiments have now been extended to other amino acids, in particular, cysteine (Cys), which is also known to be a favorable binding site for Zn in many metalloproteins. A primary motivation of examining these particular metals is their environmental and biological implications. For that reason, complexes of these ions with crown ethers, a potential sequestering agent for environmental remediation purposes, were also studied. Here, the likely conformations were readily identified using IRMPD spectroscopy compared to theoretical calculations for several crown sizes, 12c4, 15c5, and 18c6.

In a collaborative effort with E. R. Williams, IRMPD spectra have also been acquired for Zn2+(H2O)n (n = 6 – 12) complexes using an OPO laser system in the OH stretch region of the spectrum [6]. These spectra suggest that the Zn2+(H2O)n complexes have a preference for a five-coordinate inner shell (as predicted using MP2 theory, but in contrast to DFT methods that predict an inner shell size of four).

In a completely different application, we have interacted with Joost Bakker and Vivike Lepoutre on a molecular beam apparatus to examine the structures of the products formed by reactions of transition metal cations with hydrocarbons using the Free Electron Laser for IntraCavity Experiments (FELICE). In the earliest work, transition metal carbene cations, MCH2+, were generated from the reactions of laser ablated metal cations and methane for M = Ta, W, Ir, and Pt and examined over a spectral range running from about 400 to 3000 cm-1. The work has now been published [11] and demonstrates that the structures of these simple species varies considerably across the periodic table. We have also examined the reactions of Ta+ and Pt+ with ethane and ethene over a spectral range running from about 200 to 3500 cm-1. Species observed included TaC2H4+, TaC2H6+, TaC4H8+, andTaC4H12+, all of which lose H2 or multiple H2 molecules. For reactions of Pt+ with ethane, similar spectral ranges were covered and molecules interrogated included PtC2H2+, PtC2H4+ PtC4H6+, and PtC4H8+ which either lose H2 or an intact C2H2 ligand. These spectra are presently undergoing evaluation and comparison to spectra predicted for different isomers by quantum chemical calculations.

General research interests and background

Research in the Armentrout group provides a detailed understanding of the thermochemistry, kinetics, and dynamics of simple and complex chemical reactions. His group seeks to understand, from a fundamental viewpoint, reactions involved in catalysis, surface chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and plasma chemistry. Techniques involved include mass spectrometry, ion beams, molecular beams, laser spectroscopy, and ab initio theory. Topics of interest include:

Chemistry of state-selected atomic metal ions. Transition metals have an abundance of low-lying electronic states that we have shown for 1st-row metals can have very different reactivity. We have recently developed a novel ion mobility source that should permit such studies to be extended to the 2nd- and 3rd- row metals where spin-orbit interactions become important.

Chemistry of unsaturated organometallic complexes. By varying the number and types of ligands attached to metal ions, we study periodic trends, the influence of ligand substitution, and the effects of metal oxidation state on reactivity. These studies provide quantitative thermodynamic data and qualitative electronic information on unsaturated organometallic complexes: the key intermediates in homogeneous catalysis.

Chemistry of solvated ions. Gas-phase solvated ions are important species in the atmosphere and in aerosols and provide a bridge between phenomena in condensed phases and the gas phase. Detailed experiments on such species yield quantitative information that cannot be obtained easily in the condensed phase.

Thermochemistry of metal ions interacting with biological molecules. We have begun studies of metal ions bound to molecules of biological relevance. Our work includes some of the first measurements of the binding energies of Li+, Na+ and K+ with the nucleic acid bases and amino acids. The recent addition of electrospray ionization aids these efforts.

Chemistry of metal cluster ions. Laser vaporization, supersonic expansion techniques generate cold transition metal cluster ions that can be size-selected using mass spectrometry. We measure the thermodynamic stabilities of these clusters and their reactivity with a variety of molecules. These studies provide quantitative data relevant to surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis.

Laser spectroscopy. In collaboration with Prof. M.D. Morse, we are using resonantly enhanced multi-photon (REMP) laser spectroscopy coupled with pulsed field ionization (PFI or ZEKE) spectroscopy to study small transition metal cluster ions and ligated metal ions.

Environmental chemistry. A long standing interest has involved an investigation of the thermochemistry of systems having potential importance in the clean up of nuclear waste sites.

Threshold behavior: theory and experiment. A theoretical understanding of the kinetic energy dependence of reaction cross sections is in its infancy. We are developing theoretical models that include application of statistical theories, reaction dynamics, and non-adiabatic effects.

Ab initio theory. We consistently apply ab initio theory to provide structures, molecular parameters, and bond energies for use in the analysis and interpretation of our experimental results.

MSPIRE Publications

1. . Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Serine: Effects of Alkali-Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation, P.B. Armentrout, M.T. Rodgers, J. Oomens, and J.D. Steill, J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 2248-2257.

2. Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Threonine: Effects of Alkali-Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation, P.B. Armentrout, M.T. Rodgers, J. Oomens, and J.D. Steill, J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 2258-2267.

3. Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Asparagine: Effects of Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation,, A. L. Heaton, V. N. Bowman, J. Oomens, J. D. Steill, and P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 5519–5530.

4. Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Methionine: Effects of Alkali-Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation, D. R. Carl, T. E. Cooper, J. Oomens, J. D. Steill, and P. B. Armentrout, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (Special Issue: Biomolecular Structures: From Isolated Molecules to Living Cells) 2010, 12, 3384 – 3398.
DOI: 10.1039/b919039b

5. Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Cysteine: Effects of Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation, M. Citir, E.M.S. Stennett, J. Oomens, J.D. Steill, M.T. Rodgers, and P.B. Armentrout, Int. J. Mass Spectrom (Special Issue: Ion Spectreoscopy). 2010, 297, 9-17.

6. Zn2+ has a Primary Hydration Sphere of Five: IR Action Spectroscopy and Theoretical Studies of Hydrated Zn2+ Complexes, T. E. Cooper, J. T. O’Brien, E. R. Williams, and P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 12646-12655 DOI: 10.1021/jp1078345

7. Infrared Spectroscopy of Divalent Zinc and Cadmium Crown Ether Systems, T. E. Cooper, D. R. Carl, J. Oomens, J. D. Steill and P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 5408–5422.
DOI: 10.1021/jp202646y

8. Structural Elucidation of Biological and Toxicological Complexes: Investigation of Monomeric and Dimeric Complexes of Histidine with Multiply Charged Transition Metal (Zn and Cd) Cations using IR Action Spectroscopy, T. E. Cooper, C. Howder, G. Berden, J. Oomens and P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 12648–12661.

9. Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Histidine: Effects of Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation, M. Citir, C. S. Hinton, J. Oomens, J.D. Steill, P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 1532-1541.

10. Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of Protonated Histidine and 4-Phenyl Imidazole M. Citir, C. S. Hinton, J. Oomens, J. D. Steill, P. B. Armentrout, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 330-332, 6-15.

11. “Structures of the Dehydrogenation Products of Methane Activation by 5d Transition Metal Cations” V. J. Lapoutre, B. Redlich, A. F G. van der Meer, J. Oomens, J.M. Bakker, A. Sweeney, A. Mookherjee, P. B. Armentrout, J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 4115–4126.
